Hastings Township McKeown Bridge


Treasurer / Property Tax collection

For questions regarding your tax bill or payment, you can contact me at the office at 269-948-9690.  If I do not answer during my scheduled office hours, I may be on another line or helping a taxpayer.  If you would like to leave a message, please be sure to give your name, address and/or parcel number when inquiring about your taxes.  I can also be reached by email at: treasurer@hastingstownship.com.

Taxes and Assessing information can be accessed through BSA Online.  An account must be set up.  A property owner may access their own property information free of charge.  BS&A will charge a "Pay Per Hit" fee for all other inquires.  See the website at the following link for more information. 

For BSA Online, click here -  BSA Online

Hours for Payment of Taxes

For the months of July through September & December through February

Tuesdays 9:00 am - Noon and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm  

Thursdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm*

*For the months of October, November & March through June, Thursday hours are 9:00 am - Noon

See current tax bill for additional and/or excluded days/times of collection. 

*** The Treasurer is always in the office 9-5 the last day taxes are due, as well as the last day before taxes go to the County Treasurer as delinquent.  Please see current tax bill for due date.

Other days and times as work and/or meetings dictate.

I am available to meet by appointment when necessary.


Taxes and Payment of Taxes

Taxes levied twice a year

  • Summer taxes are sent out July 1st and are due September 14th
  • Winter taxes are sent out December 1st and are due February 14th

If September or February 14th fall on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the due date is extended to include the next business day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.  The same goes for when taxes are sent to County as delinquent.  Always see current tax bill for due date.

Payment of Taxes

Current year property taxes may be paid in person at the township hall or by mail - 885 River Rd., Hastings, MI 49058.  Taxes may be paid with check, money order or cash.  Only the Treasurer can accept cash payments.  Exact change is appreciated.  A drop-box is available 24/7 for non-cash payments.  Post-dated checks and checks with errors will be returned. 

Tax Payment With Credit/Debit Card  -  Taxes may be paid using credit, debit or prepaid debit card through the third-party processor, AllPaid, using your own phone or computer.  AllPaid is not available at the Township Hall.  Third party fees do apply.  Check with AllPaid for current fees and options.  To pay current Hastings Charter Township property taxes using this service, click here -  www.AllPaid.com  or call 1-888-604-7888.  You will need the Pay Location Code # 7583.  You will also need your parcel number found on your tax bill.  If you have any question regarding your parcel number or the current amount due, please contact the Treasurer.


When paying taxes by mail, please allow 7 to 10 days for delivery.  Again, postmarks are not accepted. On occasion, mail does get lost or delayed.  Interest will be added to summer taxes received after the due date.  Be sure that you or your mortgage lender are sending your tax payments to the address as shown on your tax bill. Unpaid summer tax amounts do not appear on your winter tax bill.  If you do not receive a receipt for your tax payment, please call to be sure that your tax payment was received.

Unpaid real property taxes are turned over to the County as delinquent March 1st each year.  Those taxes must then be paid to the Barry County Treasurer at the Barry County Courthouse.  All tax payments received by the township after the last day of February must be turned over to the Barry County Treasurer as delinquent, in accordance with the law. (Exceptions:  Personal Property Taxes & Taxes for Buildings on Leased Land)

Please note: Current year summer property taxes that are late are still payable at the Township Hall until all unpaid real property taxes go to the County as delinquent on March 1st.

If you do not receive a tax bill, and your taxes are not escrowed, please call me.  According to the State of Michigan, failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a person from paying property taxes by the due date.

As mandated by law, 1% interest must be added to any unpaid summer tax bill beginning the day after they were due and the 1st of every month thereafter, until March 1st.  This interest is passed on to the County and State, as are all summer taxes.


Treasurer Duties

The Treasurer's duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Prepares, prints and mails property tax bills
  • Collects, receipts and disburses real and personal property taxes
  • Issues township checks
  • Keeps account of township receipts and expenditures
  • Deposits and maintains township funds in approved investments
  • Collects and disburses delinquent buildings on leased land taxes & personal property taxes
  • Collects and disburses mobile home specific tax

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